May has come and gone. With June slipping by, our summer is slowly passing us by... I asked my self what is the plan for summer?
June: Well in June we have already been to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Wild Water Adventures, and on several short day hikes. I cant forget all our days lounging pool side. Also Christopher has already spent a week in Corning with his grandparents. I'm sure he had a full schedule of events. Starting off with SF Zoo, Pier 39, caper acres, company picnic, and even a birthday party. For the rest of the month we have the
USACE picnic in Elk Grove, maybe another Baseball game, some more hiking trips, and still possibly a visit from the grandparents. And we cant forget Fathers Day
July: Not sure what Christopher and I will do, but Jaime has to work 4th of July night. "For the 2nd year in a row" :( The 2nd week in July Jaime's mom will come to stay with Chris for our anniversary. July 6th-8th, we will head to Oakland, Ca. We spend a little time all over. Jack London Square, SF, A's vs Yankee's, and who know what else. Christopher will spend another week up in Corning. I will also go to my
gf baby shower in Santa Rosa. I'm sure me and Jaime will hit up
YNP and do some hiking. The Last week of July we will spend at our friends cabin In north Tahoe, and both our families will join us.
August: hopefully by this time we know where we are going to be living. So i can get Chris enrolled in school. I turn 34 this August, and we are planning a Chico trip with our college friends Amanda & Bryan
That is what i got so far. I just like being with our family and friends. Relaxing and enjoying life