Mark and Lynn Birthday both falls on April 25th. This year they came down for the weekend to take Christopher to kids fish day. On Sunday we traveled back to Corning to have a BBQ with the Family. Christopher helped make Mark a birdhouse and Lynn a picture frame. We also made a Chocolate cake for them after the votes were tallied from Faceboook. It was a great weekend. made a simple dinner on Friday and then went to dinner at Cool Hand Luke's on Saturday night. Mark and Jaime has Double shots of Patron. Need i say more me and Jaime never made it to the movies. But we still had a great time. But Sunday morning Mark wanted to go eat the the Rancho San Miguel. Christopher enjoyed his bowl of Menudo, has you can see. The only regret i have is not taking a picture of all of us at Lynn and Marks Sunday night at the BBQ. We always say we are going to and then never do. Happy Birthday hope you enjoyed it all.