Central Valley RFTC October 24, 2009
CSU Fresno

I want to start out by posting these pictures that were from the end of the day. But i felt they were so important. You can not tell by this picture, but my mother was very exhausted and overwhelmed. It was a long day for her physically and emotionally. But I'm round to say that she still looked as beautiful as ever, and you could not tell that she was tired. And I'm ever so proud to have a mother like her, and to be her daughter. This leg of the Susan G Komen had more than 6,600 participates and around 500 breast cancer survivors. The community raised $372,500, and all that money will stay in Central Valley helping women like my mother. I'm so happy that my mother was apart of this, and i hope every year following we still attend one of these in our area. I think that my mom needed this day. It is so important for women to know that they are not alone, and that there are others just like them. All 500 of these women my have a different breast cancer story, but they all have one thing in common they are survivors. And each of them are fighting for the same thing a cure....
The Crew: I'm so happy to say that we had a very memorable day. I'm so thankful that my Mother and Father In-Law "Lynn & Mark", where there with us to make this day the best we could for my mother. I think that i can speak for everyone and say, that we were so impress by the volunteers and the committee of people that put on this event. They made it a special day for everyone involved. Someone recently asked me, if my mother has a support group to attend. I told them of all of her friends, and how each of them bring something different to my mother's life. I guess i should have said her support group goes to her. Lynn has been a great friend to my mother for many years. And a even better friend to her since we have all learn she was diagnosed. But i guess we should just say family, 15 years is a enough time to call each other family. It is nice to know that my mom has friends and family that care so much about her. It is reassuring to know that she is being taken care of when i can not be there. So a huge thanks goes to many..

The 1 walk.... I was wondering before we even left how my mom would do? Even though in the back of my mind, i knew she would finish and do great. She had all of us cheering her on. Before the walk start, my mother and i went to the car. She has told me that it was not very far. I did not want to tell her that she was wrong. "I know mom you will be reading this, but i figured you would figure it out, and i know you don't like me to tell you what to do..." anyways it was a long walk, she was literally needing a break. So we stretched out the blanket, and she relaxed until it was time for the walk. I'm happy to report that we walked through the pink balloons as a family..

Christopher had a wonderful day. He did great, considering we all got up at 6am. He enjoyed the sunshine, and getting to spend the day with his grandmothers, and grandpa Ramirez. He was a little mad that we were only walking 1 mile. He wanted to follow the white straight line down the road... He was also mad the the squirrel ran up the tree and the way to the car. But we made it home in one piece, so I'm calling it a great day.

At 8am in the morning i ran the 5k women's race. The announcer said it was the first time that the race for the cure let the women run a "All women race" I wish i would have ran a little faster, but i also wish for a lot of other things. And I'm thankful to say i finished this race for my mother, and i was glad she was there at the finish line waiting for me. Lynn had told me later, that my mom cried when i ran through the finish line. I was very touch that it meant so much for my mom to see me run for her.
On a side note: When i left the house, i told Jaime that i was going to try and place in my age group, and then give my mother my medal. During the award ceremony, i thought for sure that i had won a medal. They never called my name. I'm sad to report that i was very upset. I'm not sure why, i guess i just disappointed that i tried so hard, and i been running so much. Later Lynn and I went to the restroom, and i seen the time sheets up. I told Lynn lets see what my time was. I searched that whole sheet for my name, and finally seen it at the end. It said my time was 53:44 i was like what? So i went and stood in line to talk to someone in the time booth. So what i found out was that they put me in the MEN"S Race... LOL . so i filled out some paper, and to come to find out. I won 2nd in my age group... They want me to write a letter to the Komen Board, so that i can get my medal. But i don't think i will. Mistakes happen, and i know my time. Everyone that finished the race, and showed up for that event is a winner. And I'm thankful for supporting a great cause.
Crystal You did a wonderful job telling about the day for your mom and other survivors. It was a day ffilled with hope and such positive energy. I wish you could have got medal that you deserved but your mom has the best reward of all.....you for her daughter. She had such pride and love for you when you crossed the finish line. Our pictures show what a wonderful day it was for all of us. Love Lynn nasd Mark
This post brought tears to my eyes. (and I just did my eye makeup, LOL) But I just wanted you to know how proud of you I am. As much as you feel blessed for your mother I am sure she feels blessed to call you her daughter. Your doing AWESOME! Your all still in my prayers! LOVE ya!
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