Well your 30's aren't as bad as most say. Mine started off great with the birth of my son, so i cant be to disappointed. I cant say any of my last birthday have been to memorable. When i turned 30 in 2006, i was pregnant. I remember driving around about 8 drunk people all night, apparently my husband thought i would get a kick out of him throwing me a birthday party at a bar. When i turned 31 we lived in NM, Christopher was little, and there was nothing to do. When i turned 33 we still lived in NM, and there was still nothing to do. When i turned 34, we lived in Madera, and there was still nothing to do. Just kidding. Last year i had the stomach flu the day before. The day of my birthday Jaime, Angela, and Christopher took me to Cool Hand Luke's. I barely ate a thing. Afterwards my husband got a kick out of taking all of us to the drive in to watch "district 9" OK whatever, i would rather be sleeping, so that is what i did. Got back in the car, and went to bed.
Now this year was a whole different story. Our friends from college, that currently live in Socal wanted to make a Chico visit. Jaime thought it would be good to do it my birthday weekend. I could have not agreed more. I guess he is making up for the past 4 years. LOL I still love him or maybe it was me telling him, if this birthday is like the last 4, someone is getting there butts kicked.
First things first. I met Eric at his place and he took me to lunch at a place called Big Tuna. The sushi was really good. I had one glass of wine, since Jaime gave me a lunch drink limit on my own birthday. After lunch we went back to Eric's. He asked me if i wanted to watch District 9. Was he kidding me or had he talked to Jaime. Turns out he was not kidding, I declined his offer and we had drinks and watched True Blood instead. |
That evening for dinner to my surprise many of our friends and our parents were at Josh and Kelly's. It was a great surprise, this picture is from Lynn. I asked her to take a picture of all us kids. And sure enough my dad jumped in. But he is still a kid so what can we say. I'm happy to report, the food was excellent, and my gifts were even better. Jaime got me a ipod touch. Maybe so i would stop using his. But hey now i don't have to be on the computer to check my email or facebook. |

We started the night off at the 33 steak and booze. Our good friends Tyler and Lisa own the restaurant and bar. That is us with them taking shots of Jack Daniels. Don't ask me why, but that is their drink of choice. But I'm happy to report it went down smooth. Later that evening i was told Eric did something called the "3wisemen" which i also learned was a shot of Jack, a shot of Patron, and a shot of Jager. Yes he was still alive the next day, and going strong. We were all so luckily to have Big D aka Daniel grace us in his presence. We did not think we would see him during this trip. But we were happy that he made the 2hr trip home to see us.
This was at the end of the night. Jaime just wants to go to bed. Bryan went back out into the living room and joined in on Bible talk.
The next morning as we all rolled out of bed with hanging overs, we were gearing up for day 2 of my birthday weekend. After debating on where to go and what to eat. We ended up at Morning Thunder, and let me tell you no matter what time of day, you cant go wrong with this place. After our meal, we headed over to Bidwell Park, to re tell our stories of the "College Days". The boys dipped their feet in at the 1 mile, checked out all the hot college girls who were back in town, and then spied a old dude in speedo's hanging out on a bench. After our laugh, we headed up a trail along the creek. Where you can see a couple of hot guys laying out in the sun, and taking dips in the cold ass water. But it was a fun day. After a while we headed back to take naps, and get rested for our last night on the town.

  After a well rested day and bloodly mary's... The four of us headed out... First stop Eric's Garden to take a couple pictures, I'm in love with the picture of Jaime and Bryan. Only because I'm not sure what the conversation was. Maybe they were laughing that i was being "Lily" again, as me and Jaime say. FYI Lily is the character on how i met your mother, and she is a freak about taking pictures and setting up the camera. Second stop Woodstocks, to get Amanda's Fav. After she ordered i think Jaime ate her pizza while she was in the bathroom. Third stop Chico State Baby... We walked around half drunk, dreaming of being college students again. We made many more stops at different bars that night. But the last picture was taken at LaSalles. I do remember talking about the Lemon throwing night and the long nights when they used to let us dance in the cages. But i also remember the single guy who took this picture. He was waiting for his rude friends who never showed up, He had like 3 pitchers of beer. Our last stop of the night was trip #2 to woodstocks. I guess Amanda need her pizza fix.
They next morning was an interest one. We all woke up and it was like 10-1030am we were like WTF. We were all rushing around like we were late for work. LOL we all just wanted to see our little one. Amanda and Bryan still had a 8hr drive ahead of them. But more memories were made this weekend. Some untold....... and locked away in a vault, where Elaine Benes can't find George and the key. We laugh because 9 years ago on my Birthday Bryan and Amanda moved in above us in our apt on North Cherry. We invited them out with us and our friends for my birthday. It makes us happy that most of the people from this weekend were there 9 years ago too. I only turn 34 once, I'm pretty sure i made the best out of it. |
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