Ok i guess this one is way over due. As most of you know awhile back Jaime, turned down the Lake Mendocia Job. He wanted to hold out on a job in NorCal where both our parents live. Last month, he accepted the Natural Resource Specialist aka Park Ranger job at Englebright Lake up near Grass Valley. Jaime worked as a student at this lake when we were finishing up college at Chico State in 2002. We were super excited, more than words can express. We were so excitied to move back to Cali in 08. But being down here in the Central Valley, still has held us back from seeing the people who we hold dear in our lives. Making new friends is not always a easy task. You find people are always not that welcoming. Though me and Jaime have been lucky to always find and keep friends. I hope the ones we have found here, we will continute to communicate with.
Everyone that worked there when he was a student is still there. Also another fellow student ranger Josh, has also come back to the lake. That makes it nice, because we have remained friends with him and his wife Kelly. So just knowing that all of our friends will be a hop, skip, and a jump away is teriffic. And not to mention our HS and college friends that we have met on our journey. Most of stayed in the area, and we can enjoy being close with them again.
Moving.... I have never got stress about Jaime and him wanting to move all over. His work is great about coming to our home and packing us up, and driving or household goods to the new location and the need unpacking. Who can really complain when all of this is going on. On that note, we have never moved in the summer time. It has always been in early fall or winter. After Jaime received his travel order, we called the base in CO. who would be assisting with our move. The lady who we talk to said they were backed up do to summer moves, 3 to 4 weeks backed up. She suggested Jaime move his start date. We were like i don't think so. She the only other opinion was to move our self...
And sooo... The stress Begins... Packing is not easy when you have a 3 year old. So anybody who has moved with small children i give you credit.. "I can hear people laughing at this point..." as a friend told me last week. "Crystal, all normal families move themselves, so stop being so selfish." Ouch.... i guess I'm totally spoiled. I guess i still have no complaint, they are paying for everything.
So with boxes all over the house... Life is starting to be more stressful Only 7 more days in Madera. Should i be happy or sad or maybe alittle of both.
PS i know i was babbling when i wrote this.