Pump It Up: Halloween
Took Chris to Halloween party at PIT during the week. He enjoyed the music, and the place was decked out in scary decoration, and all the staff were dressed up too. They also had both rooms open to run in between
Pumpkin Carving
This year we carved pumpkins a couple of nights before Halloween, and they still went bad. They had so much mold the morning of. :( Christopher wanted nothing to do with carving them. He thought it was gross. oh well maybe next year.

This year i made pumpkin cupcakes for the Halloween party for trunk or treat and Jaime's work. i could not find some candy ropes that were needed for the vines but i still think they turned out great.

Halloween Cookies
This night me and Chris baked Halloween Cookie "witched, ghost, moon, and bats" Then afterwards put sprinkles on them :)
MOMSClub Trunk or Treat
Halloween Night
This was the first year Christopher went trick or treating to neighbor homes. Me and Jaime were not sure how he would do or if he would even like it. But he was very excited to get into his costume. He was saying :trick or treat get my feet and eat" all day me and Jaime were cracking up. we were singing to him all week. "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." but that was his version. When he got home that night he was so sleepy, you can tell from the yawn. But he walked a good mile and a half in an hour and 15mins. He kept telling us he wanted a train snack. I kept reminding him candy was a treat not a snack. He did not care. The next 3 days, he would take 1 bite of candy and then throw that rest in the trash. so i let him do it on day 3 for an hour. His candy was all gone. LOL

Our Halloween Photo Session

This year we were in momsclub of Fresno, and we met at a local park and did a trunk or treat the night before Halloween. Christopher had a great time, and we decorated the trunk with Thomas the Train theme since he was a Thomas Train Conductor.

This was the first year Christopher went trick or treating to neighbor homes. Me and Jaime were not sure how he would do or if he would even like it. But he was very excited to get into his costume. He was saying :trick or treat get my feet and eat" all day me and Jaime were cracking up. we were singing to him all week. "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." but that was his version. When he got home that night he was so sleepy, you can tell from the yawn. But he walked a good mile and a half in an hour and 15mins. He kept telling us he wanted a train snack. I kept reminding him candy was a treat not a snack. He did not care. The next 3 days, he would take 1 bite of candy and then throw that rest in the trash. so i let him do it on day 3 for an hour. His candy was all gone. LOL

Our Halloween Photo Session
This year i did not have time to take Christopher in to get his picture taken. So mommy set up shop at our house... I think i did a great job capturing our little Train Conductor.

Hey Crystal great pictures I loved every single one of them. Good job on getting in 4th place at the 5K race. How are you guys? We're good just taking in all the Fall weather. Talk to you soon.
Crystal I enjoyed your blog so much. I think you captured our trip so well.Just seeing the little ones smiles was a gift to Mark and myself. I would love to go somewhere all together again!!!!All of your pictures and comments show what great memories we made. Love Lynn
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