I just wanted to share and remember the books and the authors that Christopher loves at each point in his life. He goes through stages. Of really loving books, and then taking a break from them. Right now today He loves.......
He always loves a Thomas the Train book, then for awhile its has been Mickey Mouse, but now his favorite Max and Ruby. So lately we have been getting alot of Rosmary Wells books
Christopher must have 100's of books but these below are the ones he has been bring us on a daily basis. At night i try to read some of my favorites when he will let me.
Books By Laura Numeroff
*Which are all the mouse and friends books
Books By Jan Brett
*His 2 favorites are The Hat and The Mitten
Books By Sandra Boynton
* He has enjoyed these for awhile now
But not the Hippopotamus, The going to bed book, The belly Button Book, barnyard dance, pajama time, oh my oh my dinosaurs (this was his first book from her) Blue hat, Green Hat, Horns to Toes, Moo Baa La La La ( he is liking this one less)
Books By Audrey Wood
*The Napping House and Silly Sally
Books By Donald Crew
Books By Bryon Barton