Ok so last night i was up thinking about running.. Don't ask me why but i was.... For those of you who have known me for a long time, know that I'm no RUNNER....But with in the last couple of months i have started running. I mean in my life time i have loved to work out, go to the gym get on the treadmill for 20 - 30 minutes run. Get off lift weights and so on. In the past "meaning Pre-mini Ramirez" i have always been able to keep in pretty good shape because me and my husband love the outdoors. Biking, hiking, swimming, and any outdoor sports. I i used to love to mountain bike. But who has the time with a 2 year old. And lets not kid our selves i cant image me taking him up the Gondola at North Star and downhill riding with him. Don't get me wrong, i want him to love those things too. But we need something now that we can do together. lately we have been walking/hiking. In the last few months i also have been running. 2-3 miles with Chris outside. but I'm not sure if i could run 5 miles with him or not, i just don't have that sort of time, to find out even if i can. But come on walking even 2-3 miles is a great way to stay in shape, when you are pushing a stroller. so here it is......
I guess my over all goal is to stay in shape for life... My number 1 goal, is to teach my son that being healthy can be fun, and also will keep you in shape. So in our household or any household parents should model that for there children. Bottom line is you will live and longer and happier life... Since January i have lost a totally of 22 pounds. I want to keep it off since I'm having no more babies. i want Christopher to grow up, thinking this is a normal part of life, "Just like going to college" I don't want him to stop eating good food and exercising.
Crystal Plan
- at least once a month, run for a cause that will benefit something important to me. Whether it children, a cure, animal rights, abuse women, etc.
- at least once during the year run with Christopher
- at least once during the year run as a Family: Crystal-Jaime-Christopher
- at least once this year, get our family to do a 2 mile fun walk.
- do a 5k
- do a 10k
Just keep in mind that we all have 2 miles in us to walk. and for those of us that go to the gym, come 5k is not that far most of us can run that in 30mins. So think about getting your family on the right track....i was getting stressed about what my time will be, and can i get a better time they next. But now i see that I'm out running and as long as i cross the finish line I'm a winner.
My Planned Runs
- Mother's Day Run: May 9th, Benefits: Greater Madera Kiwanis Local Youth Projects
- Cross the River Run June7th, Benefits: Greater Madera Kiwanis Local Youth Projects
- Miracle of Miles of Quarters June 13th, Benefits: Children’s Hospital Central California
- July ?
- August?
- Smokey the Bear run Sept 27th Bass Lake, Benefits: area runners
- Race for a Cure Oct 24th, Benefits Breast Cancer