My Lilman Christopher
Christopher Update:
I just wanted to write a quick note of christopher's health, we took him yesterday to see a ENT at Children's hospital. Good news is that the fliud in Chris's left ear is not there anymore. We are getting his hearing tested again in 1 month, and see the ENT the same day. We thought that Chris was alreadying starting Speech Therpy, but i guess we were wrong. He will be starting this month. His has already changed so much. He is using more and more sign language everyday. And not only that but his vocabulary is getting larger too. Everyday is is learning a new word or new activity. It makes me and Jaime very exicted. Remembering back to when he was just a little guy and was changing so much. Hopefully i the next week we will enroll in classes with CVRC and EPU. He starts Soccer and Swim lessons in the upcoming month. So much lies ahead for us, but i know Christopher is a bright, happy, and over all healthy little boy. And we all love him so much. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
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