This last weekend we packed up the Family and headed out to Monterey Bay, for a relaxing weekend we all needed During Valentines Day. Though it was overcast and rainy we had a wonderful trip. Saturday was great and Christopher sure did enjoy all the fishy. Many great pics of Chris little back, to excited to turn around and let mommy take his picture. After we left the Aquarium the little guy fell asleep, so Jaime woke him up when we got over to Dennis the Menace Park. (funny story he just took off running and went straight for all the water, so we just let me play in his wet clothes) Then when we got back in the car and to the hotel he refuse to take a nap, so we kept him awake, and when we left for dinner, of course he went to sleep. Slept all the way through dinner and woke when dinner came. What a night mare. all those couple got to spent their romantic night with a 2 year old scream, so box it up we said, and we all ate in bed at the hotel ;)

We cant wait for our next trip there, this summer. Who knows maybe we will make it a camping trip.